What are the charges for registering with Eduzone website?
There are no charges for registering with Eduzone website.
Why should institutions register with Eduzone?
Institutions need good students. Eduzone opens up a platform for interaction between institutions and students where institutes can find good students. Institutions can also get search teachers not only locally but also globally by searching Eduzone faculty member database. Institutions can also interact with industry professionals for student training, student placement, industry assistance on technical and business projects, entrepreneurship development, seminars and so on. Small and developing institutions can further interact with Eduzone for the development of the quality education in the institute and marketing of the institute.
Why should teachers register with Eduzone?
Eduzone website will give required exposure to the faculty members by connecting them to the outer world where they will be able to connect with various institutes, students and their colleagues in academics and in the industry. They can share their experiences and valuable hard work with others which was otherwise just with them. This will also open the doors of many other opportunities for the deserving persons which are otherwise not available. Once registered with Eduzone, teachers can upload their lectures, notes, write-ups, subject expertise, books published etc. which will be noticed by the institutes and students enrolled with the website. The jobs posted by institutes will be of immense help to the faculty members as they will be able to get the exposure to the institutes and universities abroad and in India. Faculty members can also use the facility of Ask Expert from across the world on Eduzone website to get answer to any of their queries encountered during teaching, research and development or otherwise. Teachers can also get more information regarding further education programs such as Doctorate and Post-Doctorate from universities around the globe.
Why should students register with Eduzone?
Eduzone website is designed in a way which will act as a tool for students to search various institutes, courses, professors and industry professionals. Whatever information is required by a student to pursue his career in the right direction will be available at Eduzone in consolidated and simple manner. Students can search Eduzone online library for searching any study material of their requirement and choice and can also contribute to the library by posting their content. Students can also use the facility of Ask Expert from across the world on Eduzone website to get an answer to any of their queries. Students can also browse the jobs section of Eduzone website for fresher jobs.
Why should industry professionals register with Eduzone?
While working in the industry, it is important to keep your knowledge afresh on other topics; Eduzone offers such a platform to Industry experts. Industry professionals can interact with subject matter experts, whether fellow industry professionals or teachers for enhancing their knowledge on their own subjects or on other subjects. They can use Eduzone online library facility. Industry professionals can also browse the jobs section of Eduzone website for industry jobs.
Is Eduzone a job portal?
No, Eduzone is not a job portal. It is a platform which will help the freshers coming out of the colleges find a suitable fresher job and give a right start to their career. It should be kept in mind that is not good to just find a job but a right job. We also want to establish a focussed portal for teaching jobs and industry referral jobs.
Is Eduzone a social networking portal?
No, Eduzone is not a social networking portal. It owes its inception to the thought of helping each and every individual associated with education and knowledge transfer by constructing a pathway which will make the advanced and better prospective education related fields open before them at their doorstep. Eduzone wishes to bridge the institute-industry gap by creating a link between students, institutes, teachers and industry professionals.
What is Eduzone online library and how can it help me?
All members would be able to post online documents, presentations, spreadsheets etc. in Eduzone online library. Users will be able to upload their documents and other users will be able to download once they are registered with Eduzone. Users will be able to take advantage of valuable papers, notes, articles, research work etc. uploaded by various industry leaders, professors and others.
What can I upload on Eduzone online library?
We welcome research papers, online books, presentations, articles, small videos etc. in the Eduzone online library. We request not to upload anything covered under intellectual property rights.
What can I download from Eduzone online library?
There is no bar in downloading anything from Eduzone online library once you register with Eduzone (for free).
Are there any charges of downloading items from Eduzone online library?
No, there are no charges of downloading items from Eduzone online library.
How can I use the Eduzone Ask expert feature?
Ask Experts facility is for all registered users. All members will be able to ask questions from our Ask Experts panel, which will be made up of registered faculty members and industry professionals. When any user will click Ask Expert, a list of specializations will open in front of the user. On selecting a particular specialization, the website will return all experts (faculty members and industry professionals) listed against that specialization. You can then ask your question to the expert of your choice.
How soon can I expect to get an answer through Eduzone Ask expert panel?
It will take a maximum of 48 hrs or two working days to get an answer through Eduzone Ask expert panel.
Can I get more personalized attention from Eduzone?
Yes, you can get more personalized attention from Eduzone by directly submitting your enquiry to Eduzone. Once your query reaches us, we will get back to you within 48 hrs.
Is content monitored at Eduzone?
Yes, the content is truly monitored at Eduzone. Administrator at Eduzone has the authority to add and delete any content any time.
Do teachers/industry professionals registered as experts get any remuneration?
No, you don’t get paid by enrolling in the Ask expert facility.
I am a teacher; can Eduzone help me get a teaching job outside India?
Yes, you can submit an enquiry through the website for finding a teaching job in and outside India.
I am a fresher; can Eduzone help me find a job?
Yes, Eduzone can help you find a job. After registering with, Eduzone you will be able to avail the facility of viewing various fresher jobs posted on the website. You may write to us for further assistance.
I am an Industry professional; can Eduzone help me switch jobs?
Yes, Eduzone can help you find a job. After registering with Eduzone, you will be able to avail the facility of viewing industry jobs posted on the website. You may write to us for further assistance.
I represent an institute; can Eduzone help me get good students?
Yes, Eduzone can help you. After registering with Eduzone you will be able to avail the facility of “Search Student” and your presence on Eduzone will make you visible in front of a large pool of students registered with Eduzone. You may write to us for further assistance.
I am a student; can Eduzone help me get specialized training?
Yes, Eduzone can help you in getting specialised training. After registering with Eduzone, you will be able to avail the facility of “Search Institute”. This facility will help you in searching specialised courses or training you are looking for and will also help you in getting the right institute for that particular specialization. You can also get in touch with Industry professionals for getting a practical training.
I want help in completing my thesis; can Eduzone help me?
Yes, Eduzone can help you. After registering with Eduzone, you will be able to avail the facility of Online Library where you can find numerous articles, research papers, etc. which will help you and you can also come in contact with any professor/industry professional of required subject through our search facilities.
I want to get into an Exchange program in a specific institute; can Eduzone help me?
Yes, Eduzone can help you. After registering with Eduzone you will be able to avail the facility of “Search Institutes” or if you tell us your interest, available finances and other conditions, we will suggest an exchange option for you.
I want to feel the culture of a specific country; can Eduzone help me?
Yes, Eduzone can help you stay in the desired country and experience the desired educational system. You can send an enquiry to us on this subject.